Some facts about L Racing 10. Rally Rožňava

Organizer of the first event of Slovak Rally Championship 2017 - L Racing 10 Rally Roznava, has long time ago published a competition track details , but will bring to it a few more details.

In addition of RS1 Roznava, which is an urban city Circuit Special Stage, all other speed stages are performed on roads of III. class in districts Roznava, Spišská Nová Ves and Gelnica. These Special Stages pass only forests, do not pass through any village. The quality of the asphalt at Poloma SS and SS Hnilcik is very good, there is no spreading material after winter. SS Uhorná is "bumpy" asphalt road, in winter not retained, although it is too much sand.

SS we will try to describe a little unconventional. Crews at completing the rally will feel like on a roller coaster. After all, judge for yourself. SS Roznava is located on the plane at an altitude of 295-300 meters. On Saturday, 04/01 morning will begin ride as on a water slide. Start of the special stage Poloma is at an altitude of 451 m. After completing 10 km the crews get to an altitude of 915 m, followed by a descent to the finish, which is at a height of 690 m. That means the four kilometers of the descent of 225 m. Start RS Hnilec is at an altitude of 670 m and after about 6.50 km crews will reach the highest point of the track and we expect the highest of whole series of MSR 1027 m. After reaching this height followed by the descent to the target RS, which is at a height of 690 m. Nice 337 m descent over a distance of about 5 km. Start RS Úhorná is at an altitude of 713 m. Approximately in the middle of the special stage will be crew 890 m above sea level. The descent to the finish is also interesting - the level target of 399 m, it is 491 m. Interestingly, we have calculated it so as it do climbers and alpinists that throughout the rally crews will output total of 2 500 m top, 2591m down.


We think that was enough of numbers. But what will these numbers mean in the competition. Performance specifications of today's vehicles is sufficient to overcome the climb. It is different with the descent. Certainly will be significant to which level the crew will "soften" the brakes. The disadvantage will be for heavier vehicles of Class 3. It will be crucial how this situation will handle drivers. The answer to this question we will know on Saturday, 1/4/2017 after 15:30 pm. after arrival of crews to the finish of 10. L Racing Rally Roznava.